Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monserrate in Bogota

On Saturday, Sister and I left Tunja at 5:30am and took a bus to Bogotá and then transferred to another bus to walk to the hill of Monserrate (Cello de Monserrate) and attend mass at 10am.

The chapel at Monserrate is located over 10,000 feet above sea level and is home to the shrine devoted to "El Señor Caído" (Fallen Lord). On another hill, across from Monserrate, is a 15 meter high statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Both are icons of the Bogotá cityscape.

Picture of Monserrate from the base. If you follow the cables to the top of the hill and then look left, you can see the top of the chapel's steeple.

Taking the Funicular (train) to the top

Overlooking Bogotá from the train

Me and Bogotá

Beautiful flowers (no idea what kind)

View of Our Lady of Guadalupe just below the clouds

Chapel at Monserrate

Shrine of Our Fallen Lord

Me on the chapel steps with Our Lady of Guadalupe in the background

Breakfast which I couldn't even finish, Tamal with bread and cheese and hot chocolate.

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